We are always looking for new ways to help you in your search for meaningful employment. In order to get started with Employment Plus you will need to phone or visit Centrelink and request that you wish to be referred to Employment Plus.
Once your appointment at your nearest office is confirmed by one of our Employment Plus consultants you will have the opportunity to fill out a pre-employment survey. This survey is a series of questions to outline your circumstances, so that we can direct you to the right help for your circumstances.
Completing your pre-employment survey
The pre-employment survey is a part of our process to help you find work. Whilst you can complete the survey at any Employment Plus office, most people prefer to fill it in at home ahead of their appointment.
Your pre-employment survey will help us to assess your employment needs, clarify areas where we can offer you employment support and guidance, and review your job plan with you.
We understand that it’s never just a job, and we work alongside our job seekers to overcome any and all barriers to employment.
By completing this survey you have read our Privacy Policy and consent to us collecting your information.
For more information on how we treat the sensitive information that you provide to us, you can visit our Privacy Policy page