Are you struggling right now?

If you are in a serious crisis situation, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or consult their website for assistance.

Beyond Blue has information about how to care for your mental health and the people around you.

RU OK is a wonderful organisation helping people open up the conversation about mental health with others, as well as containing plenty of great everyday resources

Headspace is an excellent resource for young people.

The Child Mind Institute has helpful tips about how to have developmentally-appropriate conversations with children about their mental health.

1800RESPECT provides 24/7 confidential information, counselling and support services to people impacted by family, domestic or sexual violence.

Women from migrant and refugee backgrounds who are experiencing family or domestic violence can contact inTouch, the Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence on 1800 755 988 or visit

We are here to support you

If you are a registered job seeker with Employment Plus, you can access our free Allied Health counselling services.

And if you're struggling personally or financially, The Salvation Army is proud to provide a number of services to the Australian community to give a helping hand.

These include:

Further resources for young people

Young people can be particularly vulnerable to mental health struggles. We've put together a collection of articles and resources to help you focus on the positives and practice important self care.

Do you need support?

If you are a job seeker and need crisis support, please speak with your Employment Plus consultant or call 136 123 and they will link you to a Salvation Army support service.