Parent Pathways is a new voluntary service commencing 1st November, 2024.
The program provides personalised and financial support to eligible parents and carers of children up to the age of 6 years.
Parent Pathways is about parents and carers and their individual needs. With the help of a qualified mentor, you can receive flexible support to assist with any personal, study or work goals.
Parents can engage with the program in a way that suits their lifestyle, commitments and caring responsibilities.
We understand there is no one way to engage with parents, that's why our program is personalised to your needs.
We take a tailored approach when meeting the needs of each candidate that walks through our doors.
Our program is designed with flexibility in mind, adapting to your family's needs
We're here to support you work towards your goals while you're doing the most important job of all.
Parents can access the service anytime they are ready and have the option to take a break or return to the service at anytime they choose.
Who is eligible?
This service is for parents and carers who:
- Have a child aged under 6 years
- Are not in paid employment
- Live in a non-remote area
- Receiving one of the following payments:
- Parenting Payment
- Carer Payment
- Special Benefit
Eligibility includes those who are not getting a Centrelink payment, and:
- Under 22 years old
- An early school leaver (parents who don't have a year 12 qualification)
- A First Nations parent or carer
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