Last updated: February 15, 2025
Last week our Employment Plus site at Mount Druitt was transformed for our Connecting Futures event.
Over 300 participants entered through the doors of our site to engage with more than 30 exhibitors including Employers, Community Support Services, Registered Training Organisations and Pathways Programs. Participants left one step closer to achieving employment. The Participants eagerly engaged with exhibitors with their passport maps and were more than happy to pick up a free coffee on their way around the event.
With hundreds of referrals coming out of the event, local organisations as far as Katoomba will benefit from this event. These referrals included upskilling, refinement of skills, community support & employment opportunities. A welcomed injection of support for our valued Employers, RTO, Referral & Community Partners.
The event also provided its fair share of fun with three lucky participants who entered into a door raffle winning lots of goodies tucked away in hampers and two Employers winning movie tickets.
We would like to thank all of the exhibitors for attending, and making the day such a successful event.