person in white doctors gown with stethoscope

Last updated: March 18, 2020

COVID-19 Health advice from Federal and State Governments

Employers are working hard to support employees and minimise the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) on their workplace and the community. Due to the rapidly changing situation, it is important for businesses to keep up to date with the latest health information from the Federal and State Governments. The Governments’ advice is being regularly updated so companies should review it often.

Government advice on COVID-19

Government health departments have released a significant amount of information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) including symptoms, how the virus is spread, how the disease may be prevented and details on the public health responses.

On 15 March, the Australian Government placed the following Notice in newspapers providing important information about COVID-19:



As you will no doubt be aware, COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus) has affected many around the world, including Australians both at home and overseas. COVID-19 is a new viral infection that can give people flu or cold-like symptoms, including sore throat, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. It can however have serious consequences for a percentage of cases, particularly the elderly and vulnerable.

Although you may have heard a lot about this new virus in the news or online, it is important to keep up-to-date with information and advice provided by official Government sources including by visiting, following the Australian Department of Health on social media, and via credible news sources.

The Australian Government has increased screening measures for international arrivals and banned non-Australian citizens arriving from highly infected countries. We strongly recommend you consider your need to travel overseas and check for the latest advice.

You can prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections by making sure you:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
  • Cover your cough/sneeze and dispose of tissues
  • Avoid contact with others if you’re feeling unwell
  • Your local GP (be sure to phone ahead)
  • Your local Emergency Department
  • Specific respiratory clinics currently being established around the country
  • Via Telehealth such as using your phone, Skype, or FaceTime
  • Department of Health: Novel Coronavirus – Know the Signs poster
  • Department of Health: Novel Coronavirus – Stop the Spread poster
  • · Coronavirus Health Information Line – 1800 020 080 (operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
  • Public Health Information Line -1800 044 599
  • · State and Territory Public Health Agencies:
  • · NSW - 1300 066 055
  • · VIC - 1300 651 160
  • · QLD - 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
  • · SA - 1300 232 272
  • · WA - Contact the relevant public health unit
  • · TAS - 1800 671 738
  • · ACT - 02 5124 9213
  • · NT - 08 8922 8044

At this stage you should onlybe tested for COVID-19 if you are experiencing flu or cold-like symptoms andhave recently returned from overseas, or have been in direct contact with someone who is known to have contracted coronavirus. Additional testing may also be appropriate for healthcare workers.

If you start to develop symptoms, there are four ways you can receive medical assistance:

If you’re unsure about what to do, call the Coronavirus Information Line on 1800 020 080.

Australia has one of the best health systems in the world with some of the most dedicated and experienced health professionals. Containing the spread of an infection like COVID-19 comes down to every Australian playing their part by looking after their own hygiene, looking out for each other, and staying informed.

Hon Scott Morrison

Prime Minister

Hon Greg Hunt

Health Minister

Professor Brendan Murphy

Chief Medical Officer

Government advice about the virus can be accessed through the following online resources:

Australian Government

Department of Health: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Department of Health, Latest updates on COVID-19: News

Department of Health: Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources

Department of Health: Coronavirus (COVID-19) public education campaign materials: Videos, print ads and radio ads

Department of Health: COVID-19 - Information for employers

Department of Health: COVID-19 - Information sheet for people with a suspected case

New South Wales Government

NSW Health website

NSW Health: COVID 19 – Resources for businesses

NSW Health: COVID-19 – Frequently asked questions

NSW Health: Novel coronavirus – Latest Updates

Victorian Government

Victorian Health and Community Services website

Victorian Health and Community Services: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Victorian Health and Human Services: About coronavirus (COVID-19)

Victorian Government: health.vic media releases

Queensland Government

Queensland Health website

Queensland Government: Novel coronavirus

Queensland Government: Novel coronavirus advice

Queensland Health: Updates – Media releases

South Australian Government

SA Health website

SA Health: Health Alerts

Western Australian Government

WA Department of Health website

WA Department of Health – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Tasmanian Government

Tasmanian Department of Health website

Tasmanian Department of Health: Novel coronavirus

Tasmanian Department of Health: Updates

ACT Government

ACT Department of Health website

Northern Territory Government

Northern Territory Department of Health website

Do you require further health information or advice?

Public health information and advice about COVID-19 can be obtained by calling one of the following numbers:

Do you require workplace advice or assistance?

Our advisers are ready to answer your questions about the impact of COVID-19 on your workplace or any other workplace relations matters. Employment Plus clients who have placed two or more candidates have free access to the Ai Group Workplace Advice Line.

Call the AI Group on 1300 862 217 or Employment Plus on 136 123.

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