Last updated: April 20, 2022

The average salary in Australia for full time work was $67,860 as at 20th March 2022, which is about $1,610 per fortnight ( Meanwhile, a person on Job Keeper with no children receives $642.70 per fortnight – or $16,710.20 per year. It’s a big gap, isn’t it?

Fortunately, we’ve got plenty of jobs listed at Employment Plus and we can help you earn your worth! Most of our jobs have an average full time salary ranging between $40-$70k per annum.

Using the ATO’s simple Tax Calculator, the tax paid on a $40k salary for the last financial year was just $4,102, which means you’d still be taking home around $20k more a year than being on Job Keeper.

But it’s not just about money. Working is your ticket to less stress, more financial security, and a way to make new friends. We know it’s never just a job.

If you’re wondering what sort of jobs could give you greater pay and financial security we’ve put together a list of the salary ranges of jobs that are regularly listed with us. (Stats:

Call your job coach to see if you’re already an ideal candidate for these roles, or what tickets or qualifications we can help you achieve to be eligible for this kind of pay rate.

OUR TEN TOP PAYING ROLES (annual salary bands)

1. Traffic Manager - $50-103k

2. Gardeners and Landscapers – $42-67k

3. Warehouse admin roles - $40-58k

4. Builders Labourer - $30-60k

5. Aged Care Worker - $42-62k

6. Retail assistant - $34-55k

7. Cleaners - $41k-60k

8. Fruit picker - $40-64k

9. Truck Driver - $42-72k

10. Cook - $41-57k

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