How to stand out in the current job market, emphasise your experience and ace the job interview

Last updated: August 13, 2019

Despite all the skills and experience that you bring to the table, you will still need to convince employers that you are the right person for the job. However, you also have a number of qualities that make you very hireable. Here are some tips for standing out in this competitive job market:

Show-off your skills and experience.

Job seekers who have been in the workforce for a while have so much experience they can draw on and can hit the ground running with little transition or supervision. If they have been previously employed, work history is something that will help you stand out. Highlight your years of experience in your job materials and interviews. Over the course of your employment history, you would have no doubt picked up many skills. Pay particular attention to the transferable skills you have (such as communication or managerial skills) that will be useful in almost any job. Make a list of them and compare job listings to your personal list which will help you to identify suitable jobs. Noticed a few gaps in your skill set? Today, there are many ways to quickly and cost effectively up-skill. You can find classes at your local TAFE, university or community center.

Follow your passion.

Especially if you are beginning a second career, try to find a job that allows you to fulfill a passion. Why not consider something different from what you have done in the past?

Consider something different.

With a changing need of jobs in different industries, it might be worth considering a change from your previous work roles. Think it may be hard to make the switch? Volunteering or taking up a part-time role in something different to what you’ve done in the past may open up some new pathways.

Ace a Job Interview

Even though employers can’t legally ask you directly about your age, they sometimes ask questions during a job interview to try to determine how old you are. It’s best to anticipate these questions and have non-defensive, upbeat answers based on the positives such as your experience, your skills, your ability to have worked with many types of people over time during industry and environmental changes.

It’s OK to ask for assistance!

If you’re struggling with your job search, consider seeking assistance. Employment Plus can provide no-cost programs if you are eligible that will assist you with your job hunt. Employment Plus have a large number of employer connections, hiring strategies and mounds of experience finding people like you work.

Keep at it.

Keep in mind that it’s not just you who is having a challenging job search. The Federal Reserve reports that most of the increase in employment since 2000 (approximately 17 million jobs) has been among workers aged 55 and older. In 2017, 39% of people 55 and over were working, compared to 31% in 2000. The increase is due to the aging of the baby boomer generation and isn’t expected to last. Workers 55 and over are expected to be almost 24% of the workforce through 2027.

Job searching typically isn’t always easy, regardless of how old you are. Don’t give up; it might take a while to find a job, but there are employers who understand the value of an older worker with maturity, life experience, and skills.

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