News 10 Apr 2019 5 ways to get your money on track A budget helps you manage your money so you can cover the essentials and have enough left over to save or play with.
News 10 Apr 2019 How to apply for jobs online? The job landscape is changing and now more often than not, employers require an online application with a cover letter and resume to apply for any type of work.
News 10 Apr 2019 Tips to stay on top of your overall health and well being At the start of the year many of us set goals to improve our health, whether it is to eat healthier, be more active, or finally start doing something that we know is good for us.
News 10 Apr 2019 Nail that interview: 15 questions you need to ask Employment Plus Recruiters know their stuff – and Amanda Dryden is no exception. This high achieving Recruiter is known for her knack to find just the right candidate.
News 15 Mar 2019 Thinking clear on mental health Making sure everyone is taken care of on the job in regards to mental health is key, not only to ensure the team is in good shape, but also as we all have formal rights
News 15 Mar 2019 Recent changes to casual conversion clauses in modern awards: what employers need to know A casual employee does not have a statutory right to elect to convert from casual to full-time or part-time employment – this right is determined by the applicable award/enterprise agreement
News 14 Mar 2019 Clear that inbox! Our office tidying tips Cast your eyes across your desk. How on earth did it get filled with so many knick-knacks, piles of paper and neglected business cards?
News 22 Feb 2019 6 tips to stand out during your job search At Employment Plus we pride ourselves on providing the tools that can help you stand out in front of employers.