News 26 Sep 2023 Understanding overtime pay Overtime is a topic that every business (and almost every employee) will need to deal with from time to time. But what exactly is overtime, and what are the rules around it?
News 13 Sep 2023 What businesses need to know about the new ‘positive duty’ guidelines The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) recently published its new guidelines to help eliminate sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
News 13 Sep 2023 The Government’s new ‘Closing Loopholes Bill’ The Federal Government has proposed changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). Our article provides a summary of what the proposed changes are and what they mean for businesses and workers.
News 22 Aug 2023 When does your marketing become spam? And why does it matter? Marketing emails and text messages are an affordable and effective way of spreading word of your business and your products. But if done incorrectly, it can become very costly.
News 17 Aug 2023 Common questions about sick leave This article explains the entitlement to personal/carer’s leave under the National Employment Standards (NES).
News 17 Aug 2023 Changes in work restrictions for student visa holders The Federal Government has increased the allowable work hours cap from 40 hours per fortnight to 48 hours per fortnight for student visa holders. This cap took effect from 1 July 2023.
News 6 Aug 2023 Cheaper rent options With the cost of living in Australia increasing by the day, it’s no wonder many of us are feeling worried about our expenses.
News 6 Aug 2023 Finding a cheaper commute The cost of living is well and truly on the rise, and many of us are looking at all areas of our spending to see where we can reduce costs.