Last updated: July 25, 2024

Gippsland man Rowan Dalton had been out of work for two years and he’d had enough. He was keen to start establishing his own financial independence and knew getting a job was a key step in this process.

It was obvious to the team at Employment Plus that Rowan was serious with his mission when he came through the doors with a photograph of an ad he’d seen in the paper for the Latrobe City Council’s Indigenous Employment Program.

His Employment Consultant Alix was impressed with Rowan’s motivation and set about helping him update his resume and assisting him in sorting the statutory declarations required to get new ID documents.

Together, Rowan and Alix connected to the La Trobe City Council Indigenous Employment Program and - with the help of the Mentor, Teleigha Saunders - he was placed in a plumbing apprenticeship to become a quadrant mechanic.

This would be the first time Rowan had sought formal qualification training. His past experience included painting, demolition and labouring, but this new qualification would allow him to gain a specific, marketable skill.

To get Rowan job-ready for his apprenticeship role at Traralgon Hospital, Employment Plus sorted him out with some PPE gear.

Through Aboriginal training specialists, Raw GTO, Rowan was also able to acquire the immediate skill training needed for his job, including getting his elevated working platform licence.

Employment Plus were also able to facilitate a wage subsidy for the Traralgon Hospital and Rowan is happy and doing exceeding well in his new role.

“Employment plus has been very helpful assisting me getting back into work. I appreciate all their assistance. I have been with providers in the past however E Plus has been the most helpful,” says Rowan.

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