Workforce Australia
Workforce Australia centres on helping Australians to find and keep a job, change jobs or create their own job, connecting employers with job seekers, and a refreshed network of providers to deliver tailored case management.
The program assists participants with:
- designing and writing powerful resume and cover letters that will increase the likelihood of interviews
- interview coaching
- access to activities that will help them gain skills and experience which local employers are looking for
- training and upskilling necessary to be work-ready
- developing a job search plan, that reflects the local job market
- support in participating in Work for the Dole
- free counselling
- some work-related expenses, professional development, certifications, and even work or interview clothing.
Service Guarantee
Workforce Australia aims to provide employment services that are respectful, connected, simple and supported.
This Service Guarantee reflects the Australian Government’s expectations for Workforce Australia Services delivering tailored
services to support individuals towards employment. It sets out the minimum level of service each individual can expect,
including elements unique to different types of Workforce Australia services, as well as the requirements that need to be
met while participating in employment services.
What you can expect from Workforce Australia
To receive services tailored to your needs that support you to build your job readiness. To be treated fairly and respectfully
and in a culturally sensitive way. To be connected to flexible service delivery methods that adapt to changing circumstances and support accessibility. To have information provided in a simple and clear manner. Access to a simple self-managed
digital platform and support to link your MyGov account to use self-help job search facilities and online information.
What you can expect from your provider
These are the standards and actions providers are expected to follow in Workforce Australia Services.
Your provider will:
- Respectfully deliver intensive servicing and individually tailored case management, considering your strengths and any challenges.
- Connect with you through appointments and provide you with relevant information during your first interview.
- Support you to meet your mutual obligation requirements and Points Target under the Points Based Activation System.
- Support you to search for a job and refer you to suitable jobs.
- Connect you to activities to help you prepare for work, for example training, education, activities or work trial opportunities.
- Support you to access services best suited to your individual needs through the Employment Fund, wage subsidies or relocation assistance (where appropriate).
- Keep connected with you and your employer once you have started a job.
What is expected of you
These are the standards and actions participants are expected to follow in Workforce Australia Services.
As a participant in Workforce Australia Services you need to:
Stay connected by doing everything you have agreed to do in your Job Plan and meet your monthly Points Target.
Behave respectfully at job interviews and provide feedback to your provider about the interview. When a suitable job is offered accept the position and keep your provider updated on your progress so they may support you to keep the job. Participate in and behave respectfully at appointments with your provider, and notify them if you are unable to attend. Connect with the services to improve your readiness for work by participating in relevant activities. Stay connected with the services and advise if there are any changes in your circumstances.
Not meeting any of these responsibilities may impact your income support payments.
Disability Employment Services (DES)
The DES program assists people with disability, injury or health conditions to find a job. DES is a unique program because of the support participants can receive, such as:
- one-on-one support to get the most out of their employment search
- the assistance that will match their abilities, capacity and circumstances
- a dedicated staff member who will work with the participant at their own pace towards employment.
We assist participants with:
- direct job search assistance and help to develop the skills that will help participants obtain suitable, but more importantly sustainable and fulfilling, employment
- regular check-ups, to help set employment goals and plans, monitor progress and to work out when they are ready for the next step
- guidance, assistance, encouragement, as well as help to build self-esteem and confidence
- referral and advocacy, to help link into the local community and access health or other services
- practical support, assistance to help participants attend interviews or provide payment for training, etc.
- outreach activities, assistance for participants living in remote areas, or who have special needs.
Our service is organised into the conceptual phases of Attract, Engage, Prepare, Connect and Sustain. These phases
are ordered in sequence starting with a participant or employer first entering our service through to successfully
transitioning into ongoing employment. However, as a flexible and person-centered service, the actual sequence and
combination of services will be unique to each participant and employer.
Depending on circumstances and goals, participants and employers may be undertaking activities classified under
multiple phases at one time or may move between phases in a different order. The length of time spent in each phase
will vary significantly and it doesn’t follow that participants and employers will undertake activities in every phase or in
1) Attract – We are active in local disability and employment sectors, attracting Participants and Employers to
the service through general marketing, Participant – specific marketing and by partnering with schools, NDIS
providers, disability and other services and industry groups. Employer marketing strategies are informed by
research, daily insights in advocating for individual Participants and our extensive experience and contacts
within the disability and employment services sector.
2) Engage – We are intentional about forming relationships based on trust, building rapport to ensure
Participants feel supported. We take time to get to know our Participants though discussion and utilising
assessment tools to establish a strong evidence base to inform ongoing servicing. We develop an
understanding of Employer needs and build relationships to engender confidence in EPlus as a trusted
business partner.
3) Prepare – Support participants to clarify career objectives and select activities and services to build skills and
manage barriers. Activities are recorded as SMART goals to ensure clear and progressive steps, building
momentum and confidence in the achievability of ultimate career objective. A wide array of EPlus and partner
service options is available for Participants to design their own pathway. This phase can result in Participants
identifying new career interests and will vary in duration according to individual Participant needs and goals.
We assist Employers to increase workplace diversity through advice and support with training and resources
such as JobAccess.
4) Connect – We support Participants to find and secure work aligned to their goals tailored resumes, interview
skills, work trials, industry experiences and a variety of other methods. Employers are supported to have a
good understanding of how to support each Participant fully integrate into their organisation. This can
include advice and support in relation to job modification or carving and practical support such as wage
subsidies or funding for workplace modifications.
5) Sustain – we work closely with Employers and Participants to provide supports at a level which is adapted to
each specific circumstance. This includes ensuring that there is clarity around Employer expectations and
that the Participant can successfully transition into workplace culture.
ParentsNext (South Australia only)
The ParentsNext program assists people in areas of South Australia to help set education and employment goals, develop pathways to achieve goals and link them to support services and activities in the local community.
We assist parents to:
- gain the confidence to get into the workforce,
- identify any skills gaps
- identify education and employment goals
- develop a pathway to achieve their goals
- combine preparing for work with parenting responsibilities
- access complimentary activities and services in the local community,
We can also help parents:
- obtain or increase useful qualifications
- develop practical job seeker skills
- smooth out any obstacles that make work or education difficult
- access childcare assessment.
How we can help
It’s your family and your life, and we make sure your ParentsNext Participation Plan reflects your decisions and dreams. Each person is different so we will tailor our services to your needs.
- We will connect you with one of our ParentsNext coaches who will work with you to understand your
needs and strengths. - We will build a Participation Plan and form a pathway together to develop your skill sets and achieve your
goals. - We will keep in touch regularly and structure appointments to suit your availability as a parent.
- We will work with you to identify and refer you to a mix of individual, group and self-paced activities, which will
help you increase your confidence, skills and knowledge for work. - We provide group and individual coaching sessions on subjects ranging from parenting and communication
through to job applications and healthy eating. - Our business development team work on connecting us and you with local and national employers.
- We are a Registered Training Organisation and we’re connected with other training companies; this means
more options for you. - When you’re ready to find work. We offer regular learning activities, which support you, such as personal
development sessions focused on areas such as relationships, healthy living, and goal setting and coping with change.
We understand it takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to help parents. We’re connected with local services
and organisations who will help you with your journey. We’re part of your community, sharing ideas and provide services with other providers of employment and education services. Drawing on national partnerships to help you find your strengths and achieve your goals. We are partnered with the Salvation Army Family & Community Services support services, which provides:
- Financial counselling
- Emergency relief
- Housing support services
- Links to Allied Health professionals
Cultural Diverse and Indigenous Parents
Your ParentsNext coaches are experienced in supporting clients from diverse cultural and indigenous backgrounds,
which will help you on your journey.
- We provide culturally appropriate support to our Culturally & Linguistically Diverse parents with
partnerships with Australian Refugee Association. - Support Indigenous parents, through engaging Indigenous Mentors and working with indigenous service providers in the community.
Making it easy
We provide child-friendly environments, so as much as possible we welcome you to bring your children when you
visit for your appointments and join in onsite activities.
- Access free Wi-Fi
- We’ll assist you in accessing child-care
- We’re linked with local playgroups and parents to help you and your children connect
- Play mats with toys
- Books and activities
We want to hear from you
Your feedback and involvement is important to us and helps us improve on the services we offer. With the establishment of a National Parents’ Advisory Panel made up of parents, Indigenous leaders, employers and providers who aim to continuously improve the services and design of the program.
We want to make sure the service we deliver is the service you need. You can get involved or give feedback by:
- Speaking to our ParentsNext staff
- Visiting
- Calling us on 136 123
If you feel we are not able to address your feedback, you may contact the Employment Services National Customer Service
Line on 1800 805 260 (free call from landlines).