Parent Pathways is a voluntary service that provides personalised assistance and financial support to eligible parents and carers of children up to the age of 6 years.

Parent Pathways is about parents and carers and their individual needs. With the help of a qualified mentor, you can receive flexible support to assist with any personal, study or work goals.

Who is Parent Pathways for?

Parent Pathways is for parents and carers who:

  • have a child aged under 6
  • are not in paid employment
  • live in an area where there is a Parent Pathways provider.

Receiving one of these payments:

  • Parenting Payment
  • Carer Payment
  • Special Benefit.

Eligibility includes those who are not getting a Centrelink payment, and are either:

  • under 22 years old
  • an early school leaver (parents who don't have a year 12 qualification)
  • a First Nations parent or carer.

What support is available?

The service offers a range of support options, including working with a mentor to find activities, services and training that meets your needs. Some services on offer include:

  • language or literacy programs
  • support to find a child care centre and help with child care costs
  • financial support, for example to help with the cost of training courses, text books or to purchase a computer
  • referral to supports such as financial information services or family and domestic violence support services
  • training, such as a short course at the local TAFE
  • career guidance.

Taking part in the service is voluntary and flexible. You can choose to join, leave, take a break and come back at any time. The service is focused on you and your individual needs.