Motivation is the inner drive that compels someone to act until they reach their goal. The more a person wants to reach their goal, the more they must work to get it.
Motivation in simple terms can be explained as the factors, reasons or intentions that make people behave or act in a particular manner.
- Achieve goals
- Gain a positive perspective
- Create the power to change
- Build self-esteem and capability
There are many reasons why people choose to work and these reasons can vary from person to person. Every person has different reasons for wanting to work but at the end of the day we are all working because we want to obtain or achieve something that we need.
If your work motivation is low then there are usually some telltale signs that go with it Some of them are:
- Feeling bored and finding it difficult getting through the day;
- No sense of accomplishment;
- Low morale and self esteem.
The most common reasons for loss of motivation are:
- Lack of confidence;
- Fear of failure due to failure in the past;
- Lack of interest;
- Fear of what others might say;
- Laziness;
- Being too stressed or nervous;
- A change of accumulated changes;
- A negative experience or several negative experiences.
Just as you can lose motivation, you can also find motivation!
The connecting link between losing motivation and finding motivation is the search. The search will involve some focusing on how important the goal is that you are seeking, and some change to your behaviour. It is likely to involve a number of steps.
Motivation is not something that can be found on a shelf, on the floor or purchased. Motivation can only be found inside ourselves. The key to increasing our motivation is action. Sometimes motivation can come not from doing the task, but from the benefit of completing the task or avoiding a negative outcome. For example: Painting your front fence - you may not enjoy the task, but you are motivated by the outcome of a better presented home that you are proud of.
1. Give yourself time
2. Work with the whole of you
3. Focus on your goals
4. Feel good about yourself
5. Visualisation
Download the guide below to read the full tips on how to motivate yourself today.